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Google December 2024 Spam Update Complete:
About seven days ago, on December 19, 2024, Google started a spam update. It finished on December 26, 2024. A day after Google finished the December 2024 core upgrade, the third spam update of 2024 started.Update Rollout ashboard
This upgrade is aimed at general spam. It failed to address link spam or automate the site reputation policy. It requires manual intervention.
Google declared, “As of December 26, 2024, the rollout was complete.”
What we saw.
The update had a significant impact within a few days. It was more common than some earlier spam updates.But, they published it the day after the December core update.
But, it is still premature to delve deeply into the upgrade. If this upgrade affected you, you might have noticed a reduction in your Search Console ranks. For this update, focus on ranks, not traffic. Holiday traffic can be low and unpredictable for many sites.
Google December 2024 Spam Update Complete – Key Feature:
Quick Facts on the Google December 2024 Spam Update Complete.
In brief, these are the most significant things that we now know:
- Name: Google Spam Update December 2024
- Launched: 12:00 PM, on the 19th of December, 2024
- Rollout Complate: Finalized at around 2:00 PM on the 26th of December
- Targets: Sites that violate specific rules governing other Google search spam circumstances. Does Not Target: This change does not affect the site’s policies on abuse, spam, and others.
- Penalty: It discourages some spamming techniques that violate Google’s policies.
- Impact: I could not find on Google how many searches hurt by this change were recoverable.
- Global: The world update will involve all languages and locations.
- Discover: Core upgrades affect Google Discover and features like snippets.
- Recover: Google will recommend that affected users follow its spam policy.
- Updates: Google will update the spam report from time to time. Google states that recovery may take several months.
Tracking Tools Google Spam Update December 2024:

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